Is The Diamond Round? Not Mandatory At All

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diamond shapes, diamond cut, ליטוש יהלום, צורות שונות יהלומים, יהלום לב, יהלום פרינסס, יהלום טיפה, יהלום אובל, יהלום אליפסה, יהלום עגול, יהלום אמרלד קאט, יהלום מרובע, יהלום מלבן, יהלום מרקיזה

Is the world round? It turns out that some think it's still up for debate... And what about the diamond?

In our sweet bubble here in Israel, one might think that yes, all diamonds are round and that all engagement rings and solitaire jewelry are set with a central diamond—yes, you guessed it, round.

The round cut has become iconic and is considered the ultimate cut for the classic diamond, a complete and visually pleasing shape that goes with everything. It's true, the sales of round diamonds worldwide far exceed other cuts. And yet, before automatically choosing a round diamond for your jewelry, it's worth getting to know the different options. There are many, and each one opens up a whole world of creative design possibilities, making the jewelry more personal and unique.

What diamond shapes exist, how to choose the right one, and how to use them in jewelry?


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